Changes in the real estate market, the increasing complexity of the regulatory framework and the significance of the financial stakes at play have made this area are an ever-increasing specialist practice.
Racine has a dedicated real estate department assisting large companies in the real estate sector and in the construction and services industries, both in relation to transactions and litigation.
Racine accompanies its clients in each stage of their transactions, whether relating to land development and urban planning, acquisitions, lease negotiations, financing, tax and rental management. The team constantly strives to provide pragmatic, innovative and well-adapted solutions.
Related distinctions 38

The team advises and assists a wide range economic players, and in particular real estate professionals (developers/investors), insurers and users, allowing it to possess extensive, concrete knowledge of the market and its clients’ needs.
In particular, our lawyers handle:
- Real estate transactions and due diligence
- Commercial leases
- Property development
- Construction and construction insurance
- Real estate asset management
- Urban planning
- Property taxes
- Real estate financing
La forte expertise technique du département immobilier et sa culture très opérationnelle en font un des grands acteurs du marché, recherché pour sa capacité à proposer des solutions efficace et innovantes.
The strong technical expertise of the real estate department and its highly operational culture make it one of the major players in the market, sought after for its ability to propose efficient and innovative solutions.
- Chambers - 2025: Individual ranking
- Chambers - 2025: Real Estate
- Chambers - 2025: Construction
- International Tax Review - 2025: General corporate tax / Real estate / Transactional tax / Private client / Tax controversy
- Best Lawyers – Ones to watch - 2025: Real Estate
- Best Lawyers – Ones to watch - 2025: Construction Law
- Best Lawyers - 2025: Real Estate
- Best Lawyers - 2025: Construction Law
- Décideurs - 2024: Real estate – Tenancy law
- Décideurs - 2024: Real estate – Real estate transactions – financing
- Décideurs - 2024: Real estate – Real estate litigation
- Décideurs - 2024: Real estate – Real estate transactions – investment
- Décideurs - 2024: Real estate – Real estate tax
- Who's Who Legal - 2024: France – Real Estate – National Leader
- Who's Who Legal - 2024: Real Estate – Global Leader
- Décideurs - 2024: Promotion & Construction : Real estate development
- Décideurs - 2024: Promotion & construction : Construction litigation (including insurance)
- Décideurs - 2024: Promotion & Construction Advising and contracts (markets and construction)
- Le Point - 2024: Real Estate
- Legal 500 - 2024: Real Estate
- Chambers - 2024: Individual ranking
- Chambers - 2024: Real Estate
- Best Lawyers – Ones to watch - 2023: Classements individuels
2023: Sommet du Droit
Lease Law
2019: Trophées du droit et du contentieux
Commercial Leases: Silver Trophy
Real Estate – Promotion: Gold Trophy
The team
News and publications

Racine is ranked in the 2021 edition of the "Real Estate" guide of Décideurs

Press releases
Racine advises La Maison Bleue Group on the acquisition of Kid's Up Group
