- Bordeaux
- Bordeaux
Bordeaux Bar (1993)
Partner since 1999
Contact :
Tel : +33 (0)5 56 01 31 85
Mail : e.menard@racine-bordeaux.frCareer
First secretary of the Bordeaux Bar’s Confèrence du stage, 1995
Partner with SCP BURAUD prior to joining Racine in 1999
Masters (DESS) in Business and Tax Law
Bar admission exam (CAPA), 1993
Gestion de contentieux sériels dans le domaine de l’assurance construction (photovoltaïques, piscines, éoliennes domestiques)
Gestion de contentieux sériels dans le domaine du risque produits défectueux (bardage, panneaux photovoltaïques)
Professor on construction insurance at ICH-CNAM Aquitaine since 2002
Communication in the context of training and seminars on insurance law on behalf of ICH-CNAM Aquitaine and DALLOZ FORMATION
Communication in the context of seminars organised by insurance companies on the topic of prescriptions in construction insurance and on current topics in the areas of construction law and construction insurance
Training on the topic of construction insurance and complex issues, organised by the MONITEUR Group
Published work: Constructors’ Liability, pub. L’Harmattan 2003 (jointly with Sabine Bertolaso)
Publications on constructor liability law and construction insurance:
“Work on existing buildings: builders’ warranties and insurance”, Constr.-urb., chron. May 2007
“What happens to the subcontractor after the decree of 8 June 2005” (in collaboration with Sabine Bertolaso), Constr.-urb., Chron. Nov. 2006.
“Regulatory worksite commencement declaration (DROC) or worksite commencement: Discussions aren’t over yet”, Constr.-urb., chron. Nov. 2005
“2012 Energy Regulations and builders’ liability”, (Sheets 1/6 to 6/6), Published in May and June 2011 in “Le Moniteur”
“Energy renovations stand the test of civil liability”, (jointly with Sabine Bertolaso), Constr.-urb., no. 2, February 2016, case study 3
RACINE’s Construction Insurance newsletter (jointly with Sabin eBertolaso): bi-monthly newsletter, nos. 1 to 9 – RACINE IARD (fire, accident and multi-risk insurance) bulletin (jointly with Sabine Bertolaso): quarterly publication, nos. 1 to 6
Articles published on LinkedIn: “Beneficiary of building defects insurance indemnities: a welcome turnaround!”, published in October 2016; “Building defects insurance: The scope of the sanction on defaulting insurers”, published in September 2016; “Building defects
insurance: reminders on the time period within which to report the casualty”, published in June 2016; “Building defects insurance: The scope of the sanction on defaulting insurers”, November 2016; “Exclusion of replacement expenses for furnished property and/or remediation of defective work: Sleight of hand to the detriment of insurers”, published in November 2016; “Emergency expertise procedure and time limits: The race is over!”, published in December 2016; “Builder’s fraudulent misconduct: Unfinished business”, published in January 2017; “Validity of warranty conditions and exclusions: Sailing in murky waters”, published in January 2017; “Respective domains of 1792-7 and 1792 of the French Civil Code: First clarification!”, published in February 2017
- Chambers - 2025: Real Estate
- Chambers - 2025: Construction
- International Tax Review - 2025: General corporate tax / Real estate / Transactional tax / Private client / Tax controversy
- Décideurs - 2024: Industrial risks & liability litigation – Claims and insurance litigation
- Décideurs - 2024: Industrial risks & liability litigation – Ground transport claims (road and rail)
- Décideurs - 2024: Industrial risks & liability litigation – Product liability
- Décideurs - 2024: Industrial risks & liability litigation – Claims and insurance litigation
- Décideurs - 2024: Promotion & construction : Construction litigation (including insurance)
- Décideurs - 2024: Promotion & Construction Advising and contracts (markets and construction)
- Le Point - 2024: Real Estate
- Legal 500 - 2024: Real Estate
- Chambers - 2024: Real Estate
- Décideurs - 2023: Promotion & Construction
2023: Sommet du Droit
Lease Law
2019: Trophées du droit et du contentieux
Commercial Leases: Silver Trophy
Real Estate – Promotion: Gold Trophy
The team
News and latest publications

Racine is ranked in the 2021 edition of the "Real Estate" guide of Décideurs

Racine is ranked in the latest guide "Promotion and Construction" of Décideurs
