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  • Paris

  • Paris

Languages : French, English, Italian

Paris Bar (2019)
Associate at Racine since 2018

Contact :

Tel : +33 1 44 82 43 00

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Professional Master’s degree, employment law legal expert (Université Paris I Panthéon – Sorbonne)

Master’s Degree in English Law, University College London (UCL) – Double Program in Partnership with Paris II Assas



  • Chambers - 2022: Employment
  • Chambers - 2021: Employment
  • Legal 500 - 2021: EU Law, Competition and Distribution
  • Le Point - 2021: Social
  • Chambers - 2021: Employment
  • Décideurs - 2018: Employment law
  • Legal 500 - 2018: Employment


  • 2023: Sommet du Droit

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  • 2015: Trophées du droit et du contentieux

    Entrepreneurial firm over five years old: Gold trophy

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    Top Legal

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Covid-19 : remote meetings of staff representatives made easier

Click below to read the new flash news wrote by Carla Di Fazio Perrin et Margaux Succurro
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News flashes


Work from home in France during health crisis

Carla Di Fazzio and Margaux Succurro write a news flash on the home office’s system in France during the Covid-19 crisis
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News flashes


Can the wearing of the mask in a company be imposed by the employer?

The full version of this article is in french Click below to read it
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