Press releases
Racine assists Finance Consult in opening up its capital to Turenne Emergence and Bpifrance as minority shareholders

Paris, 24 January 2025 – Racine has helped Finance Consult, a leader in financial consulting and project financing, particularly in the field of environmental and energy transition, to open up its capital to Turenne Emergence and Bpifrance in order to accelerate its development.
Founded in 1981, Finance Consult is an independent consultancy firm specialising in consulting and financial engineering for major projects and public facilities. It provides support for infrastructure projects (energy, water, waste, transport, public sports and cultural facilities, etc.) and for the financial management of local authorities. With a turnover of more than €8 million, continuous growth and a young, ambitious team, Finance Consult stands out for its ability to respond to the complexities of public-private contracting.
The entry of Turenne Emergence, an investment fund specialising in supporting companies in the environment and digitalisation sectors, and Bpifrance, the climate bank, as minority shareholders marks a major turning point for Finance Consult. This transaction will enable Finance Consult to accelerate its organic growth, make strategic acquisitions and attract new talent, while maintaining its independence.
Racine advised Finance Consult with a team comprising Mélanie Coiraton (partner), Bruno Laffont (partner), Edouard Cluet (associate) and Thibault de Dieuleveult (associate) on the corporate aspects, Quentin Cournot (partner) and Arthur Petillot (associate) on the Tax side, Linda Bessa (partner), Hind Mahsas (associate) and Nicolas Debrux (lawyer) on the financing side and Guillaume Thuleau (partner) and Noa Wolff (associate) on the social aspects.
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