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Racine, committed by nature

Our CSR approach

At Racine, CSR is more than just a concept; it’s a philosophy that permeates everything we do, from the way we manage resources to our relationships with customers, service providers and employees. We are proud to present our initiatives and commitments for a sustainable and responsible future. These are based on three main pillars: sustainable development, quality of life at work and diversity.

Founding partner of ESG Lab & Society

A new chapter has opened in our commitment to corporate social responsibility (CSR) with the signing of a founding partnership with ESG Lab & Society.

A strategic partnership for sustainable transformation

The ESG Lab & Society, created in 2022, is a major accelerator of the sustainable transformation of organisations. ESG Lab & Society relies on leading experts (environmental, social, governance) and a community of leaders to generate collective intelligence and build pragmatic solutions. Its know-how perfectly complements that of Racine, which has solid experience in business law, labour law and ESG regulations.

Racine and the ESG Lab & Society co-organise workshops and meetings between different stakeholders in the ESG ecosystem at the highest level, thereby accelerating the integration of ESG issues into corporate strategy.

At the same time, the ESG Lab & Society is supporting Racine in its strategic transformation and in raising awareness of sustainability and social responsibility among its teams.

This collaboration between Racine and ESG Lab & Society underscores Racine’s ongoing commitment to evolve towards a more responsible business model to help build a more sustainable future.

Quality of life at work

We place quality of life at work at the heart of our concerns, and we are proud of our initiatives to improve the well-being and professional development of our employees.

Racine’s innovation and commitment

  • Workplace well-being barometer: Racine was one of the first law firms to introduce a barometer dedicated to quality of life at work. At its first edition in 2022, the initiative was a great success, with 82% of the firm’s members taking part. Among them, 77% said they were satisfied with their working environment, and 80% appreciated their autonomy and the interest of their assignments.
  • Flexibility and teleworking: to meet the needs of our employees, we have drawn up a teleworking charter and introduced flexible working hours, enabling a better work-life balance.
  • Responsible Behaviour Charter: in 2022, Racine’s partners made a commitment to follow a Responsible Behaviour Charter, a document that each new partner is also required to sign. By way of example, the Nantes-based firm has decided to adhere to the RSCA Charter proposed by the Conseil National des Barreaux to law firms in order to assess and improve their practices in favour of diversity and the environment and to promote a proactive societal policy, giving priority to the human factor, the essential foundation of the lawyer’s activity.
  • Development of experienced lawyers: to support the careers of senior lawyers within the firm, in 2022 Racine inaugurated a partner’s track. This programme commits partners to supporting associates in their career development towards partner status within the firm.


Racine pays special attention to gender parity

We have a proactive equality strategy that covers all aspects of professional life, from recruitment to remuneration and career development. Parity is also a key element of our governance: in the election of Managing Partners, a mixed gender ballot is preferred in the event of a tie. Our women partners also play an active role in the firm’s decision-making bodies, such as the Comex, the Audit Committee and the Executive Board.

Club for female partners

In January 2018, we inaugurated a club specifically dedicated to our women partners, which meets monthly. This interdisciplinary and intergenerational forum provides a caring space to discuss everything from career development and management best practices, to industry trends and firm growth. The Club also serves as a platform for developing strategies to facilitate the integration and skills development of young female associates, in particular by setting up a mentoring programme ?


Supporting membership of international professional networks

We have supported the membership of several of our associates to the International Association of Young Lawyers (AIJA), the only global association dedicated to lawyers and in-house counsel under the age of 45. This association provides international opportunities for young lawyers to develop their professional network, learn and grow.
For example, in 2018, two female lawyers attended the Smart Up Berlin conference on start-ups and the 57th International Congress of Young Lawyers in Rome in September to develop their international network. In July 2023, two senior associates represented the firm at Multilaw’s Young Leaders conference in Thailand.


Our sustainable development approach

Awareness of sustainable development is a shared value that transcends all our sites, in Paris and in the regions. Because small gestures can have big effects, each entity is committed to implementing local actions to contribute to a more responsible and sustainable future.

Resource conservation, environmental awareness and sustainable management

Our company works with SHRED IT to recycle our paper safely and responsibly.
Since 2018, thanks to this initiative, we have recycled 23.88 tonnes of paper, saving 382 trees.
Our eco-responsible efforts also include the use of personal codes to reduce paper and toner consumption, the recycling of printer toner and, since 2022, the recycling of coffee pods.

Sustainable food, green mobility and energy savings

Racine is committed to the environment: a connected refrigerator for eco-responsible meals since 2021, eliminating plastic bottles in favour of reusable carafes since 2019, prioritising trains for internal events since 2022, and a new bicycle garage to promote eco-friendly transport. We are also implementing practices to reduce energy consumption. In particular, our premises are equipped with timers to automatically switch off lights.

The associations we support

  • Les Papillons blancs de Paris provides local support (listening and advice, help with setting up administrative files, etc.) to families with mental disabilities.
  • Toit à Moi: This association provides housing and support for the reintegration of people living on the margins of society. Racine’s support is expressed through a sponsorship of skills in employment law.
  • The firm is involved with Réseau Entreprendre, both as a sponsor and on a voluntary basis, by running a training course on employment contracts for entrepreneurs.
  • The Nantes office is a fervent supporter of the Neptunes, a women’s multisports club based in Nantes, and provides them with its support.
  • Edit de Nantes Habitat Jeunes is a recognised player in the integration of young people aged 18 to 30, through a diversified range of accommodation. Racine is making its expertise in employment law available to the association under a sponsorship agreement.
  • Racine Nantes is an ambassador and patron of the Nantes University Foundation, which supports a wide range of projects that help to produce and disseminate the knowledge needed for a knowledge-based society.

Zoom on the association Lire pour en Sortir

Racine is committed to promoting a more inclusive society, in particular through its support for the Lire pour en Sortir association, which puts reading at the heart of the rehabilitation process for prisoners.

A strong sign of our commitment to society

Created in 2014, the association is now present in around thirty prisons and has contributed in particular to the introduction in the penal code of reductions or adaptations of sentences for prisoners who invest in cultural activities.
Through its innovative programmes, Lire Pour en Sortir uses reading as a tool for rehabilitation in prisons. It’s an approach that makes sense in terms of our profession as lawyers and the positive impact we want to have on society.
Our partnership takes various forms: sponsorship, logistical support and active involvement of members of the firm in literacy workshops. This collaboration is a concrete expression of our commitment to education, social reintegration and the fight against exclusion.

Since 2020 (...) the firm's lawyers and employees have been involved in the association's projects and beneficiaries. They give their time and energy to keep Lire pour en Sortir alive and growing.
Marie-Pierre Lacabarats, Managing Director of Lire pour en Sortir

News and publications



Racine advises SUEZ on its acquisition of a stake in ‘The Future is Neutral’, a subsidiary of Renault Group dedicated to vehicle recycling and the circular economy

Paris, 14 October 2024 – Racine has advised SUEZ, as part of its strategic partnership with the Renault Group, on the acquisition of a 20% stake in The Future is Neutral, a subsidiary of the carmaker specialising in the recycling of end-of-life vehicles. This investment, worth around €140...
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