We propose a purposely broad offering to our clients so that they may call upon us for all their legal and tax needs. Our clients benefit from fully integrated and high quality services.
Our service offering is organised by practice area. Detailed knowledge of our clients’ professions and industries guarantees our clients advice that is not only strategic, but also functional and pragmatic. Our partners are personally involved in each matter, starting from the definition of the strategic direction to take, through to the full resolution of problem areas, all while monitoring the execution of the file.

We guide our clients, businesses and economic stakeholders, at every stage of the development of their organisation:
Operational support: Adjustment to regulatory changes, compliance, contract lifecycle, prevention and settlement of litigation.
- In all of our speciality areas, we are attached to remaining at the cutting edge of legal developments. In the spirit of partnership that characterises our approach to our work, we seek to allow our clients to benefit from our efforts to remain abreast of the latest legal developments. For example, we offer a free jurisprudence monitoring service, called Brèves en lignes, which is available to all at
- Our firm has been designed to promote natural interaction among our various teams. This approach provides a major advantage when it comes to managing multi-disciplinary or complex matters, whether in an advisory capacity or in the context of litigation. Each new client is assigned a partner, who becomes the client’s single contact person. Collaborative tools are also made available to clients so that they may remotely monitor the progress of their file.
Strategic developments: External growth, restructurings, investments, development projects, etc.
- We know how to pull together multi-disciplinary and international teams to guide and act for clients so that they can meet their objectives.
- We are facilitators capable of designing imaginative and customised solutions so that agreements may succeed.
- We leverage our day-to-day and cross-functional litigation practice in favour of our clients, enabling us to secure the solutions we propose.
Crisis management :
In collaboration, where necessary, with recognised experts and advisors, we can act quickly and efficiently to defuse risk-laden situations or to confront a critical issue that threatens your reputation or that presents high financial stakes, whether in the form of litigation between economic stakeholders or with a French or European administrative body.
We know how to intervene, whether on a corporate, administrative or judicial level.